Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today's Generation

I began working in 1990 stocking groceries. Twenty years later, I am still (relatively) young in the workplace. Needless to say, throughout those 20 years I've worked with a lot of older people. And I can say without a moment's hesitation, that I would not be where I am today had it not been for the time these people took to impart their knowledge (from many more years of experience). But young as I am, I am no longer the youngest generation entering the workplace. I've had the good fortune to work with, employ, and manage people considerably younger (and older) than myself. But I have also had the misfortune to work with older people who feel it is their moral duty to inform the world that the current generation will lead to the demise of all ordered society. And it is to them, that I dedicate this post.

While I certainly do not have the musical background of most, I know enough to be able to relate this analogy. Hitting high school right at the beginning of the 90's, I remember much of the late 80's hair/glam metal as well as the alternative/grunge era. I remember listening to music on the radio, and later the birth of MTV (back when it actually played Music Videos). In 1991, I was forced to trash every bit of music I owned because of its un-christian influence (and there was a parental lock placed on MTV). We're talking about Aerosmith, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, and yes some Guns N' Roses, Twisted Sister, etc... So I spent the early alternative/grunge years collecting music in secrecy. Now it's easy to dismiss this as right-wing conservative over-religious rhetoric. And in many ways it was. But I can remember how bands like Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Metallica, and Guns N's Roses (and obviously too many others to name) always seemed to be in the news as evidence of the decay of society and youth in general. But go to a major sporting event and tell me you don't hear them play "Sweet Child O' Mine", or "I Wanna Rock".

But this blog isn't about the evolution of Music. The point is - there is a tendency for every generation to value its own morals and cherish its own accomplishments - by diminishing the values and accomplishments of those who come after them. I have to imagine that there must have been a few old Cromagnons sitting around - well into their 30'2 or 40's decrying that "youth these days" do not respect their elders. "In my day we killed our animals with our bare hands. Now look at these kids making tools out out of bones. Humanity is doomed with this lazy generation."

And yet here we are. If history has taught us should be that the youth isn't meant to copy the morals of their elders. They are meant to develop the morals necessary to live in their own times. Certainly, if you took me - and placed me in 1845 - there's a good chance I'd struggle to survive. But take anyone from 1845 and transplant them to today - and see if they have it any better. Society is not going to decay because the youth ignores the moral accomplishments of its predecessors. Society will evolve because new generations adapt those values to suit their needs.

Do I like or approve of everything the younger generation does today? Of course not - Harry Potter/Twilight - are you serious???? But do I think that today's youth is going to lead us into ruin? Nope. That's the politicians' jobs (and guess which generation that is).

Then again, I could be completely wrong...

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